Healthy Breaks
As the school is a health promoting school, we ask for your support with regard to the foods you send with your child to school. We would encourage you not to send unhealthy snacks, such as crisps and chocolate bars in your child’s lunchbox and keep these snacks until Friday when they are permitted. Please remember that we are trying to instil a life long habit for the children and not just for the present time.
We provide a fruit snack at break time for Primary 1 and 2 children at a cost of £1 per week. They may also bring their own fruit/healthy snack if you prefer. Children from Primary 3 to Primary 7 can order toast, bagels, baguettes, and fruit from the canteen or bring in their own healthy snack. Milk can also be ordered at the start of each month.
Children are encouraged to bring a filled water bottle into class at the start of the day. Research indicates that drinking water is not only healthy, but improves concentration. Only water is permitted in classrooms.
Please find attached below a number of documents produced by the Health Promotion Agency, Northern Ireland, which address the issue of Healthy Eating and Nutrition.
St Olcan's Primary School,
202 Glenshesk Road, Armoy,
Ballymoney, Co Antrim BT53 8RJ
Phone: (028) 20 751518