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St Olcan's Primary School, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co Antrim

Period Dignity Scheme

The NI Executive agreed in December 2020 that free period products should be made available to all schools from September 2021. The ‘Period Dignity Project’ is currently proceeding on a pilot basis.

Period dignity refers to the accessibility and availability of essential care needed to support a period, in conjunction with the removal/breaking of stigma and taboo around periods. Education is a key factor in breaking the stigma surrounding periods and promoting respect, understanding and open discussions about what people may experience when menstruating.

The pilot scheme aims to promote period dignity and tackle period poverty. The free products are not aimed at providing a blanket provision, but the scheme aims to ensure products are available to those that need them, where and when they need them. It addresses the specific needs of the school sector.

We are providing free period products in the following areas of the school. Only towels are provided for primary school children.

Staff toilet and P6/7 storeroom